The Heart Behind Redeemed Jewelry

Creators of Redeemed Jewelry

When this business began four years ago, we had no idea how the Lord was going to use it, our prayer was just that He would. We have been humbled over and over again hearing about beautiful God-appointed moments where these necklaces have literally been taken off and given to someone else (many times strangers).

The stories we have heard are heartbreaking and amazing and so Spirit-led. THAT is why this business began. This is not about anyone but the Lord and the encouragement and life His Word brings, in moments where we need it most. Our hope is that the words on our necklaces will continue to not only be a witness, but a blessing and inspiration to those who wear them as well as gift them.

-Lara O'Brien & Barb Green


"Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3"