Find Treasure in the Trial

He is working in your life. He’s working through your trials. He wants your focus on Him, not on what’s happening around you. He has it all handled. He knows your worry and your doubt. He knows your fears and your disappointment. And because He knows all of that, He is encouraging you in ways only He can orchestrate.

I hope you would take a moment today to pray that your heart would be open to seeing Him work. Pray that He would give you eyes to see that He is with you in this. That despite the heartbreak or the frustration, you would be filled with trust and with deep faith.

He will lift you up when you need it most and how much sweeter will it be if you have the heart and the eyes to recognize it. He is the only true soul-encourager and head-lifter. He knows what you need, He sees you, allow Him to love on you.

Find treasure in your trials today and every day. Find His hand working in your life. Find joy in God-orchestrated encouragement happening all around you, all day long. He is an amazing God. 💕

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